Power Grid: First Sparks – Respect: What Is It?

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2 Responses

  1. JulieAnn says:

    Could one make a rule that says you cannot expand 3x in a row and achieve the same resolution? I think it’s less about respect and really about pure laziness of rule-making…

  2. Unfortunately, the whole point is that later in the game you will be so powerful that you won’t win unless you are expanding three to five times in a turn. To win the game, you need to expand the most… it’s just if you do it too early, your game crashes. If the designer of the game restricted how fast you could expand, it would seem arbitrary and controlling… part of the point of the expansion thingy is a risk versus reward mechanic. Don’t spread out fast enough, and someone else will win the game. Spread out too fast, and you’ll be bogged down by your people’s needs. The problem is when players first begin to play the game, they don’t understand the intricacies of how the game operates. Often, they’ll be bogged down by a bunch of rules, say “I’m just going to do what sounds like fun, and figure out the rest later.” To a lot of those people, doing what the game designer told you not to do sounds like fun. For their idea of fun, they’re told to sit in the corner for 50 minutes and think about what they did wrong.

    I can, to some extant, forgive lazy game design if the product in question is by a third party and/or the game designer is new to the industry. Unfortunately, this error was made by a seasoned pro for Rio Grande Games. I certainly don’t think he’s intentionally disrespecting a player demographic. But, he obviously saw and acknowledged a flaw in his game. There’s a lot of reasons why he may not have fixed the error, but in the end, it’s going to come down to respect. If the playtest group took the time to acknowledge what it would feel like to fall in this trap, they never would have left it there.

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